
Spicy Seafood Ratatooie with Rotini, Because I Cannot Pronounce Ratatouille

Spicy Seafood Ratatouille with Rotini Pasta

I will be honest, if I had never seen the advertisements for the animated movie Ratatouille, I would have probably have never known this word yet alone what was included in this French dish. That is not to say that I looked at any recipes prior to making this meal. Ratatouille is a southern French …

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Breaded Fish Filets Topped with Warm Artichoke, Shallot and Caper Salad

Fried Fish Filet Topped With Warm Italian Salad

For me, one of the great things about cooking is that moment of clarity when I am pondering what to cook for a meal. There are times when I am not feeling the need for one of my proven true recipes. I am looking for something different, yet not wanting to experiment too much beyond …

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Mister Stock: The Unsung Hero of Cooking

Ham Stock

Whenever I begin the process of making a soup, broth, gravy or stock, I am reminded of the folk tale Stone Soup. There are many versions of the tale, but the premise behind the story aside form generosity and charity is one of how the soup will continue to taste better as additional ingredients are …

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What is in your spice rack?


What is in your spice rack? Too much? Too little? Too old? Not enough? When have I ever used this spice or herb? For what recipe did I need this ingredient? Is this spice even good any more? I admit when I took an inventory of the spices and herbs that I have in my …

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Don’t Go!
Just Yet

Thanks for visiting. We know you love curry, but before you go, take a look at some other curry recipes.