Let us be honest, most meals in a crock pot (slow cooker) are either over cooked, too salty or fall well short of the vision we had imagined when we first read the recipe. As a means of convenience, the slow cooker is a great innovation from the early 1970’s that played into the overall …
Feb 29
Condiment Conundrum
As a follow up to the post on What is in your spice rack? I went through the condiments that are stored in the pantry, kitchen cabinet and refrigerator. Once again, after taking stock of what had been accumulated, I could only just shake my head. The picture to the left is only a small …
Feb 28
Mac ‘n cheese is not a chemistry experiment.
One of the most comforting foods of all time, at least to my immediate family, has been reduced to a pre-packaged powder. A DIY science experiment where you boil “A”, then mix with “B” & “C” to create something that really doesn’t resemble what the box says it is. It reminds me of a chemistry …
Feb 23
What is in your spice rack?
What is in your spice rack? Too much? Too little? Too old? Not enough? When have I ever used this spice or herb? For what recipe did I need this ingredient? Is this spice even good any more? I admit when I took an inventory of the spices and herbs that I have in my …