The Kitchen Sink

“His” & “Hers” Individual Sized Poultry Pot Pies

Whether you have turkey leftovers from Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner or chicken from a Sunday Roast, there few better uses of the leftover meat then a pot pie. I do love a good pot pie and in a previous post: Nothing Better Than a Homemade Chicken Pot Pie I went into detail on how to …

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It is the 3rd Thursday in November, so le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé

Beaujolais Vineyard

At one minute past midnight today, the 3rd Thursday in November, millions of cases of Beaujolais Nouveau started their journey across France and then onto the rest of the world. Beaujolais Nouveau is the first new wine of the year. Because Beaujolais Nouveau is such a young red wine, it can be incredibly fruity compared …

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Amazon announce their online marketplace for wine

Tasting Wine

Yesterday Amazon announced their new online marketplace for wine. Not that there isn’t many very good online wine retailers, but Amazon tend to come into a market and shake it up a bit, which is only good for the consumer, at least in the beginning. Though this won’t replace the specialist wine shops and the …

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Butter-flying a chicken breast

Open the chicken breast like a book

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed that chicken breast are getting bigger. I sure if you met a modern day it would be ‘Jurassic sized’ if the breast you can by in the supermarkets are anything to go by. However a couple of problems occur with huge chicken breasts. One is that there …

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Oven Baked Breaded Italian Chicken Cutlets: Step by Step with Pictures

Baked breaded chicken cutlets have to be one of the most versatile foods that can be prepared in the kitchen. You can enjoy them by themselves as a meal or a snack, or use them to make Chicken Parmesan, a simple Chicken Cordon Bleu or even as a topping to a salad. Whatever you choose …

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