It is the 3rd Thursday in November, so le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé

At one minute past midnight today, the 3rd Thursday in November, millions of cases of Beaujolais Nouveau started their journey across France and then onto the rest of the world. Beaujolais Nouveau is the first new wine of the year.

Because Beaujolais Nouveau is such a young red wine, it can be incredibly fruity compared to older, more mature red wines, and in some ways it can be compared to white wines, so much so that it is one of the few red wines in the world that is best served chilled.

The race from the grape to the glass, is a bit of fun,and though Beaujolais Nouveau won’t win any awards, it is something to be celebrated. Just drink it up before the New Year.

I’m off to track down a bottle or two to have with a some cheese.

Beaujolais Nouveau

Beaujolais Nouveau

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