Vegetables and Salads

Homemade Peach Jam, Perfection in a Mason Jar

Homemade Canned Peach Jam

What to do with all of the peaches that were picked last week? Before the peaches were even picked, I knew that in addition to enjoying them fresh, I would be making a batch of Peach Jam. I have been making fruit jams for the past few years and the beginning of the canning season …

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Yesterday’s bread salad

Salad Using Yesterday's Bread

Around here, at the end of the day on Sundays, the bakery sells off it’s fresh bread at buy one get one free.  What to do with all that bread?  Well, the first loaf usually gets served & demolished at dinner in Sunday night.  The second loaf gets saved for the next day, divided in …

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Drink your Greens – Cucumber Jalapeno Margarita

Cucumber Jalapeno Margarita

We first tried this drink at a Mexican restaurant in Santa Monica, CA and were surprised at how subtle the jalapeño was, and how light and refreshing it tasted. This is definitely a drink for summer poolside parties or barbecues. Unfortunately it does take a little effort and planning, as the first step is to …

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Sausage, Salad and a Piece of Crusty Bread, Simplicity Defined

Homemade Italian Sausage with Salad in Background

Man cannot live on salad alone, but add a couple of links of sausage and you now have a salad that is worthy to be called a meal. I admit I like a nice salad of mixed greens with a homemade vinaigrette with diced tomatoes, avocados and slice cucumber, but by itself and I will …

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Grass, Weed or Garlic Scape?

Garlic Scapes

I live in a lovely area of New Jersey that is absolutely nothing like Newark or The Jersey Shore. We have horse farms, alpaca farms, bee farms & even an ostrich farm.   We have everything from full-fledged fruit & vegetable farms: with huge produce stands, to little tables & honor-boxes at the end of …

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