
Caponata alla Siciliana – Sicilian Eggplant Cooked Salad

Caponata alla Siciliana

I’m a sucker for a bargain. The other day small fresh eggplants (aubergine) were on sale, and I had to buy as many as I could fit into a plastic bag, and then worry about what I was going to do with them later. I love the spontaneity of having not having a meal plan …

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Crostini topping ideas

Fresh Mozzarella, tomato and basil crostini

In some ways, Italy’s Crostini is similar to Denmark’s Smørrebrød in that they are both open sandwiches. Though smørrebrød tends to be eaten as lunch, crostini tend to be appetizers or antipasti. Crostini are small pieces of toasted bread, usually Italian or French, topped with a variety of meats, cheeses, vegetables or even just herbs or olive …

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Insalata Caprese – Simple tomato, mozzarella and basil salad

Insalata Caprese

Insalata Caprese or just caprese, is one of those dishes that most people will have eaten and enjoyed, but not really known what it was, other than tomato, mozzarella and basil salad. The salad originates from the island of Capri, to the South of the Gulf of Naples, in the Campania region of Italy, where …

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Easy tapas adventures at home

Simple bowl of marinated olives

In Spain, tapas are little delicacies served in bars, enjoyed with something to drink. It is said that Alfonso the 10th of Castile gave an order that taverns were not to serve wine unless it was accompanied by tapas. The word ‘tapas’, comes from the Spanish word ‘tapar’, which means ‘to cover’, and it is …

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Tapas, Antipasto & Mezze – Mediterranean Inspired Cuisine at Home

Mezze Served At Home

The similarities shared between Spanish Tapas, Italian Antipasto and Middle Eastern Meze is far more important than the differences. At the heart of these ethnically inspired dishes are the shared ingredients that exist throughout the Mediterranean and the simplicity in which these dishes are prepared and presented. For me, the heart of these culturally inspired …

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