Much has been written in science, history and cooking on the influence of rice, corn and potatoes, yet the vegetable know by it’s scientific name Brassica oleracea (wild cabbage) is all around us, but few of us realize how often “wild cabbage” is eaten. When we were in high school and learned about the classifications …
The Kitchen Sink
Feb 29
Condiment Conundrum
As a follow up to the post on What is in your spice rack? I went through the condiments that are stored in the pantry, kitchen cabinet and refrigerator. Once again, after taking stock of what had been accumulated, I could only just shake my head. The picture to the left is only a small …
Feb 28
Mac ‘n cheese is not a chemistry experiment.
One of the most comforting foods of all time, at least to my immediate family, has been reduced to a pre-packaged powder. A DIY science experiment where you boil “A”, then mix with “B” & “C” to create something that really doesn’t resemble what the box says it is. It reminds me of a chemistry …
Feb 26
Summer Vegetable Gardening in Houston Starts in February
When the heat went on this morning in the house the first thought that I had after the need to make coffee is that I hope my tomato and hot pepper seedlings that I planted yesterday are okay. Yes, it is late February, but here in Houston, TX is time to begin planting the summer …