The Kitchen Sink

Knowing your onions – The sequel

Re-growing baby leeks

Since my last post about re-growing green onions (spring onions), I have been experimenting with other members of the Allium family such as baby leeks and garlic. The word Allium is Latin for garlic, and all members of the plant family are edible including the stems and bulbs. They all produce Cysteine Sulfoxide which gives …

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Corned Beef, Far More Then The Atlantic Ocean Separates The Difference

Bully Beef

The first time I explained to my Scottish friend Stuart what was in a Reuben Sandwich, he looked at me with pity and basically asked how could anyone enjoy a sandwich or a meal with “corned beef”?. It was only after we further discussed what we both defined as “corned beef” did we realize that …

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The Nutty, Yet Irritating Family (Cashews, Pistachios and Mangoes)


At a young age I discovered that I am allergic to Pistachios. As a young adult training to be a Peace Corps Volunteer, I discovered that I am very allergic to Mangoes. What is the connection? They are both plants in the Plant Family: Anacardiaceae. Interestingly enough so is the Cashew, yet I very rarely …

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It’s Marmageddon! Marmite stocks running low in New Zealand


Stocks of New Zealand’s version of Marmite, made by Sanitarium, have been severely affected after the factory had to close due to earthquake damage in November 2011. Marmite customers are being urged to ration their remaining supplies until the factory can be put back into action, which won’t be until July 2012. Read more…

What Is Your Beer IQ?

American brewers now influencing British Beer

A quick factoid filled quiz on beer. I did well enough, scoring 9 out 10 correctly, but one or two answers were truly good guesses. What Is Your Beer IQ? is one of many food related quizzes posted on the website Delish.