Low Carb

Step by step photo guide to make fresh homemade mozzarella

Step by step guide to making mozzarella

Homemade mozzarella is not as complicated as it first seems, and of all the types of homemade cheese it is certainly one of the easiest to make, and with this simple step by step tutorial, you should be able to become a cheese maker in no time. First you will need to gather your cheese …

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Pico de gallo – The rooster’s beak

Pico de gallo - The roosters beak

I had never heard of Pico de gallo before coming to Texas, and when I was first asked if I wanted some on my taco, I had no idea what the lady said, let alone what it was. Basically it is a very simple, fresh chunky salsa also known as Salsa Mexicana or Salsa Fresca. …

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Roq-n-roll-a-mole – Another contender for the best guacamole

Roquamole guacamole with home made tortilla chips

Roquamole is a variation on guacamole from the lovely Nigella Lawson. I’ve changed it a little to give it a bit more zing, but the two main flavours are still avocado and Roquefort cheese. If you can’t find Roquefort, then any strongly flavoured blue cheese will work such as Gorgonzola or St.Agur. The changes I …

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Broccoli Stem Coleslaw – A thrifty, tasty salad

Broccoli Coleslaw

I was preparing broccoli a while ago, by removing the florets for steaming, and I was just about to throw away the broccoli stems, when I stopped and wondered what else I could do with them. I could have cleaned them up a bit and froze them for making soup at a later date, but …

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Spicy Mexican Gazpacho Recipe

Mexican Gazpacho

Gazpacho is a chilled Spanish tomato based soup from the south of Andalucía and is a refreshing alternative to hot soup during the summer months. Another way to think of gazpacho is as a liquid salad rather than soup. The most likely origin of the word ‘gazpacho’ is that it is derived from the pre-Roman …

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