Middle Eastern Cooking

Fish and Rice Upside Down (Makloubet riz bel samak)

Makloubet riz bel samak

Makloubeh, which translates literally into “upside down”, is a famous Levantine dish. You will find different variants throughout Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon. What is unique about this meal is that it is a one pot meal of meat, rice, vegetables and spices that is flipped upside down onto a large platter before being served. …

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Lebanese Bemyeh Stew

Lebanese Bemyeh Stew

When one thinks of Lebanese or Middle Eastern food, the first thing that comes to mind are the favorites; Hummus, Baba Ganoush, Stuffed Grape Leaves, Shawarma, Kibbe, Falafel and Kabobs. The truth is that food from the Middle East is much more diverse, with significant influences throughout the centuries by many different cultures. Stews and …

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