Product Reviews

The Nutty, Yet Irritating Family (Cashews, Pistachios and Mangoes)


At a young age I discovered that I am allergic to Pistachios. As a young adult training to be a Peace Corps Volunteer, I discovered that I am very allergic to Mangoes. What is the connection? They are both plants in the Plant Family: Anacardiaceae. Interestingly enough so is the Cashew, yet I very rarely …

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Herbs de Provence Rub

Herbs de Provence, Kosher Salt and Fresh Cracked Black Pepper

There is this glass jar of Herbs de Provence that was mentioned in the post What is in your spice rack? that exists in the kitchen. Honestly, I have been skeptical of using it in my cooking. My skepticism is founded simply because I am not sure how to use this mixture. Herb de Provence …

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The easiest bread you will ever make – Brodmix Flerkorn

Last week we were given a box of Brödmix Flerkorn (Swedish for multi-grain bread mix) by some Danish friends. The bread mix is sold in Ikea and makes a type of rye bread popular in Scandinavia, and in Denmark would be called rugbrød, which is the basis of Smørrebrød (Danish open sandwiches). The is quite …

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Condiment Conundrum

Condiments Pic #1

As a follow up to the post on What is in your spice rack? I went through the condiments that are stored in the pantry, kitchen cabinet and refrigerator. Once again, after taking stock of what had been accumulated, I could only just shake my head. The picture to the left is only a small …

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What is in your spice rack?


What is in your spice rack? Too much? Too little? Too old? Not enough? When have I ever used this spice or herb? For what recipe did I need this ingredient? Is this spice even good any more? I admit when I took an inventory of the spices and herbs that I have in my …

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Don’t Go!
Just Yet

Thanks for visiting. We know you love curry, but before you go, take a look at some other curry recipes.