Food Reviews

Monday Night Steak Night

Steak Cooked to Perfection

In bars across America on Monday evening there is a tradition of unknown origin that has become one of the worst kept secrets. For a fair price, typically less the $15 per person, you can order a nice size steak with a couple of sides. At its most basic level, this offering makes complete sense. …

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Reuben Sandwich – Casey’s Cowtown Steakhouse Restaurant (Dodge City, KS)

Reuben Sandwich from Casey's Cowtown Steakhouse Restaurant

I was spending some time in Dodge City, KS; made famous during the heyday of the Wild West in the second half of the 1800’s and being an important part of the cattle drives of Texas Longhorn cattle. It has been a few weeks since I had eaten a Reuben, so I was looking to …

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Grilled Reuben Sandwich – Brownies Diner (Brawley, CA)

Diner Reuben Sandwich

My obsession for Reubens is a well known fact. Over time however, I have become discerning in my preference for how a Reuben Sandwich is prepared. Is the Reuben a Deli Style versus Diner Style? Is the rye bread toasted versus grilled with butter or oil? Is the rye bread marbled, seeded or seedless? What …

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Houston Hot Sauce Festival

On the corner of Pleasure St and Pain Ave

Let’s start by saying, I love chiles. Other chileheads will know that it is an addiction. You become addicted, not to the heat, but the endorphins that course through your body and cause the chile high. For those of you not addicted to chiles, you think that too much heat spoils your food, but all …

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Grocery Store Sushi – Is It Safe?

Every time I go to the local HEB grocery store, I always accept a sample of a sushi roll being offered at the sushi stand located between the vegetables, meat and fish sections of the store. However, I have never purchased a container of fresh made sushi to go. Why do I not purchase the …

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