Memories of France – Trader Joe’s Frozen Mini Croissants

I love France.  If I had to chose something that transports me back to our travels in France, I would choose either good french wine or croissants.

Baked Frozen Croissants from Trader Joe's

Fresh Baked Croissants from Trader Joe's

In 2002, we took our first trip to France.  We stayed at Chateau Ouvrard in the Aquitane region and the rental agent introduced us to two people.  The local vintner & the local baker. We made two Frenchmen very happy, and wealthy, that week! The rental agent arranged for the baker to deliver fresh croissants on the first morning after our arrival.  Being a true Chateau, the windows were open, meaning no glass, with heavy shutters that can be opened or closed.  When we opened the shutters, we saw there was a hook in which the baker had hung his bag of tasty delights. They were warm & fresh & the made the perfect first morning for our French holiday.

For breakfast we had croissants & coffee.  For mid-morning snack, we had chocolate croissants. For lunch we made croissant sandwiches.  When the local vintner arrived, we celebrated our purchase of several cases of wine: by feasting on croissants & wine. Funny thing, when we asked for more croissants to be delivered for the rest of the week, our agent was surprised.  Apparently, the delivered croissants, were to last us a week! We finished them off in shortly more than a day.

Until recently, I had not found any product that could compare to those heavenly, flaky, buttery croissants. Then, my husband brought me Trader Joe’s Frozen Mini Croissants. They need to be left to defrost (rise) in the oven overnight, then baked. They are so perfectly buttery & fresh that, for a moment, as I ate mine standing next to the stove, I could see the Chateau, feel the stone of the Princess’s Tower, smell the grape on the vintner and hear the agent laughing at our folly in eating all the croissants in one day.


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    • terry baldwin on August 26, 2018 at 4:21 pm
    • Reply

    I agree with you. Unfortunately, Trader Joes in the Bay Area discontinued the plain ones. I hope they bring them back.

    • Bruce Guenther on September 19, 2018 at 11:19 am
    • Reply

    Trader Joes discontinued these croissants, switched vendors and came back with a product that’s leaden and earth-bound, 1/3 the size, and in a vinyl bag that guarantees they will look “knocked around” when they emerge from bag or oven.
    Very sad demise for the best tasting, best priced frozen croissant I have come across.

    • Mo on January 3, 2019 at 1:16 pm
    • Reply

    Greetings and Happy New Year!

    I too am sadden by the move that the frozen mini croissants have been discontinued by Trader Joe’s. My family and I love them!

    I would often times buy 3-4 bags at one time! They were awesome for breakfast. I even used them for Eggs Benedict and steered away from the traditional English Muffins. These croissants were far superior and offered a lighter more balanced version of Eggs Benedict than English Muffins.

    I just sent, today, Jan 3, 2019, a comment to Trader Joe’s Corp. to please bring back these frozen mini croissants.

    Bring them back Trader Joe’s!

    • Denise on December 27, 2019 at 9:35 am
    • Reply

    Trader Joe—please bring back the frozen croissants you used to carry! Even if you raise the price, we will pay!

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