Vegetables and Salads

Lebanese Style Cole Slaw

Lebanese Style Cole Slaw

Cole Slaw is as much a part of American summer food dishes as hot dogs,hamburgers, potato salad, barbeque, ice cream and watermelon. Yet, whether because of food safety concerns, increased health consciousness or a trend away from consuming cabbage, the traditional cole slaw made with mayonnaise or buttermilk is more like an after thought and …

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Stuffed Jalapenos Poppers

Jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese

I first tried stuffed jalapeños poppers when I worked for an American company back in Scotland and I have missed them since. Apart from pickled, sliced jalapeños in jars, jalapeños aren’t that easy to find in bulk in Britain. I was amazed that you could get a pound of fresh jalapeños for about $1 in …

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Steamed Salmon with salad and avocado dressing

Steamed Salmon with salad and avocado dressing

Now that summer if official here, gone are the heavy stodgy foods of winter and out comes the salads and bbq. This salad of steamed salmon with an avocado dressing is light, flavourful and a perfect dish to enjoy outside at the end of a day with a cold glass of white wine. Though I …

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Chicken Salad with Mango, Mint and Cilantro Dressing

Mango, Mint and Cilantro Dressing

Mango, mint and cilantro (fresh coriander) dressing is now my new favourite salad dressing for this summer. It may not look like it at first glance, but it is basically a vinaigrette, which mango, mint, cilantro and curry powder as the additions. As it has such complex flavours, the salad leaves should be something like …

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The simplest of salad dressings – Vinaigrette

Simple French Dressing

As with most good food, you must start with good quality ingredients. This is equally true for even something as simple as a salad dressing, which a vinaigrette is as simple as it gets. Vinaigrettes are an emulsion of 3 parts vegetable oil (usually olive oil) and 1 part acid (usually vinegar or acidic fruit …

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