If one is to believe all that is written on Marmite, there four groups of people. Those that love it, hate it, dismiss it without trying it and those that have never heard of Marmite. My own evolution went from never heard of it, dismissed it without trying and then love it. For us Americans …
Apr 11
Mister Stock: The Unsung Hero of Cooking
Whenever I begin the process of making a soup, broth, gravy or stock, I am reminded of the folk tale Stone Soup. There are many versions of the tale, but the premise behind the story aside form generosity and charity is one of how the soup will continue to taste better as additional ingredients are …
Apr 06
Houston…Tastykake Has Arrived!
List of Grocery Stores with Tastykake Products Available in Katy, TX Update: Tastykake Sampling in Select Grocery Stores in Houston, TX Memories of my youth, brown bag lunch with a peanut butter jelly or tuna fish sandwich and if I was lucky a Tastykake, Hostess, Drakes Cakes or a Little Debbie in this specific order. …
Apr 02
Texas Crawfish Boil Party
The word crayfish comes from the French word ‘escrevisse’ which literally means ‘to crawl’, though it has been suggested that it may come from the Anglo Saxon word ‘crevik’ which has the same meaning. Whether you call them crayfish, crawfish, crawdads or mudbugs, they are freshwater crustacean cousins of lobsters. In the wild the are …