
Sausage, Salad and a Piece of Crusty Bread, Simplicity Defined

Homemade Italian Sausage with Salad in Background

Man cannot live on salad alone, but add a couple of links of sausage and you now have a salad that is worthy to be called a meal. I admit I like a nice salad of mixed greens with a homemade vinaigrette with diced tomatoes, avocados and slice cucumber, but by itself and I will …

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Grass, Weed or Garlic Scape?

Garlic Scapes

I live in a lovely area of New Jersey that is absolutely nothing like Newark or The Jersey Shore. We have horse farms, alpaca farms, bee farms & even an ostrich farm.   We have everything from full-fledged fruit & vegetable farms: with huge produce stands, to little tables & honor-boxes at the end of …

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Holy Galloping Scallops Batman

Pan fried King Scallops

The word ‘scallop’ comes from the old French word ‘escalope’, meaning ‘shell’ and scallops are the worlds only only migratory bivalve. They are able to swim by ejecting water by clamping their shell using their adductor muscle (the part we eat).  In the US, Sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) or the UK, King scallops (Pecten maximus) are …

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Uncle Nicky Stabile’s Italian Cheese and Pork Sausage Recipe

Uncle Nicky's Italian Cheese and Pork Sausage #2

When I first told my mom that I had received a sausage making attachment for the Kitchen Aid, her first response was that I would have to make Uncle Nicky’s Pork and Provolone Sausages. My response was “Do you have the recipe?” There was no recipe, just the memories of my mother and her cousins …

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Foolproof and easy Hollandaise sauce

Eggs benedict

If you are looking for the easiest way to make Hollandaise sauce that won’t break apart or curdle then you’ve found it. Apart from buying a jar of ready-made Hollandaise from the supermarket, there is nothing quicker or easier. As well as basic Hollandaise sauce, I’ve also included the method for making foaming Hollandaise, which …

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