
Quick & Easy Pasta Sauce (Dalla Ricetta Della Famiglia Fiorito)

Dalla Ricetta Della Famiglia Fiorito

Of all of pasta sauces that I prepare in the kitchen, whether handed down through the family or “invented” through my own experimentation, there is one exception. That is the sauce taught to me by my college friend Marco Fiorito many years ago when he came through Houston. Marco was born and raised in Italy …

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Here today, Scone tomorrow

Afternoon tea with scones

Scones, how very British. A perfect way to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee by having afternoon tea with your best china tea-set, scones, butter or cream and strawberry jam. Scones origins are widely debated, but in Britain they are mainly to be found in Scotland, and the South-West of England where they are a component of …

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A Diamond Jubilee Cocktail – ‘On the throne’

Diamond Jubilee Cocktail - On the throne

It is well known that Queen Elizabeth likes a Dubonnet and Gin before lunch each day, a drink she inherited from her mother, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. Once before a trip she was noted to have said. “…I think that I will take two small bottles of Dubonnet and gin with me this morning, …

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Slow Cooked Barbequed Smoked Pork Ribs in the Oven

Oven Cooked Smoked Barbeque Pork Ribs

Making barbeque, specifically barbequed ribs at home can be as complex or simple as you wish to make the process. Not all of us have the space, time or equipment to plate succulent, falling off the bone, sweet, tangy, spicy, smoked barbeque ribs. Most of us can replicate the sweet, tangy and spicy elements, but …

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Appetizing Ginger Shrimp Appetizer

Peeled & Deveined Shrimp

I am rarely caught unprepared but on one occasion, procrastination worked out marvellously.  A few hours before a pot luck dinner, that I was supposed to supply an appetizer for, I was digging through my freezer wondering what could I possibly throw together.  I came up with a bag of frozen peas & a bag …

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