Combine, Chill, Cut and Cook, it is as simple as that to prepare homemade breakfast sausage patties. Not only are the steps easy to follow, but what a great way to introduce children to the kitchen as they consider ideas for Father’s Day. What father would not be pleased to have homemade breakfast sausage patties …
Jun 08
Homemade Marmalady Tasting Orange Gin
In December last year, our friend Deborah delivered about 50lbs of oranges from her father’s orange grove in East Texas to us, after we had been talking about making fruit liqueurs. Little did I know how much we were going to get. Unlike other fruit such as apples, peaches or berries, there is only so …
Jun 07
Steamed Salmon with salad and avocado dressing
Now that summer if official here, gone are the heavy stodgy foods of winter and out comes the salads and bbq. This salad of steamed salmon with an avocado dressing is light, flavourful and a perfect dish to enjoy outside at the end of a day with a cold glass of white wine. Though I …
Jun 07
Frozen Fish to Baked Fish Smothered In Salsa…Only 30 Minutes
Until this past year or so, I typically left the cooking of fish to restaurants. One afternoon, I was aimlessly walking through the grocery store trying to decide what to cook for dinner that day when I found myself in the fish section of the market. None of the fresh fish in the display counter …
Jun 06
Chicken Salad with Mango, Mint and Cilantro Dressing
Mango, mint and cilantro (fresh coriander) dressing is now my new favourite salad dressing for this summer. It may not look like it at first glance, but it is basically a vinaigrette, which mango, mint, cilantro and curry powder as the additions. As it has such complex flavours, the salad leaves should be something like …