
Onion Marmalade, Long Live Britain!

Homemade Onion Marmalade

Undeservedly British Cuisine has been the butt of many jokes and stereotypes which can be summarized with naming the two styles of British Cooking: Boil and Bland. At one point there may have been truth to this low view of British Cooking, but today this generalization is unfounded. For dinner one evening I was planning …

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Broccoli Stem Coleslaw – A thrifty, tasty salad

Broccoli Coleslaw

I was preparing broccoli a while ago, by removing the florets for steaming, and I was just about to throw away the broccoli stems, when I stopped and wondered what else I could do with them. I could have cleaned them up a bit and froze them for making soup at a later date, but …

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Homemade Hot Dogs, Not a Home Run, but in the Ball Park

Hand crafted hot dog with mustard and ketchup

With the approach of July 4th, I thought it would be fun to make my own homemade hot dogs. I had a recipe and instructions to loosely follow, available time since it was raining outside and my mother-in-law as my assistant. I read the instructions, took stock of the spices on hand and then went …

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What Makes a Good Summer Salad, A Male Perspective

Components of a Summer Salad

If you are like me you hate to go out to eat and get served a crappy salad.  You know the type I’m referring to.  It’s the bowl of Iceberg lettuce, a few pieces of grated carrot, one slice of cucumber and maybe two cherry tomatoes if the preparer was feeling spunky.  Nothing is more …

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An improved hot dog – The Spiral

Grilling the spiral cut hot dogs

Not only is July, National Hot Dog Month (also National Baked Bean Month and Pickle Month too), but July the 4th, US Independence Day, is the biggest hot dog holiday of the year, with 155 million being consumed. Not only is that impressive, but according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, during the …

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