Undeservedly British Cuisine has been the butt of many jokes and stereotypes which can be summarized with naming the two styles of British Cooking: Boil and Bland. At one point there may have been truth to this low view of British Cooking, but today this generalization is unfounded. For dinner one evening I was planning …
Jul 02
Broccoli Stem Coleslaw – A thrifty, tasty salad
I was preparing broccoli a while ago, by removing the florets for steaming, and I was just about to throw away the broccoli stems, when I stopped and wondered what else I could do with them. I could have cleaned them up a bit and froze them for making soup at a later date, but …
Jul 01
Homemade Hot Dogs, Not a Home Run, but in the Ball Park
With the approach of July 4th, I thought it would be fun to make my own homemade hot dogs. I had a recipe and instructions to loosely follow, available time since it was raining outside and my mother-in-law as my assistant. I read the instructions, took stock of the spices on hand and then went …
Jul 01
What Makes a Good Summer Salad, A Male Perspective
If you are like me you hate to go out to eat and get served a crappy salad. You know the type I’m referring to. It’s the bowl of Iceberg lettuce, a few pieces of grated carrot, one slice of cucumber and maybe two cherry tomatoes if the preparer was feeling spunky. Nothing is more …