Mexican and Tex-Mex

Lime Margaritas – Is It Really This Simple?

Recently we were with friends in San Diego, CA and walking through Old Town when the need to quench our thirst became so overpowering we stopped in at the Old Town Saloon. It was by unanimous consensus that a round or two of lime margaritas was going to be the drink of the afternoon. The …

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Light, fresh and tasty quesadillas recipe

Prawn and avocado quesadillas

I can’t remember where or when I had my first quesadilla (pronounced kesa-D-a), but to me it is the perfect example of a cheese sandwich. As with anything made of tortillas, a quesadilla is just one of the many ways of folding them into different foods and in the case of quesadillas, the tortilla is …

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Spicy Mexican Gazpacho Recipe

Mexican Gazpacho

Gazpacho is a chilled Spanish tomato based soup from the south of Andalucía and is a refreshing alternative to hot soup during the summer months. Another way to think of gazpacho is as a liquid salad rather than soup. The most likely origin of the word ‘gazpacho’ is that it is derived from the pre-Roman …

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The best Guacamole recipe IMHO

The best Guacamole

The secret to making the best Guacamole is to use the freshest ingredients you can find. The main ingredient avocados, should be firm but still give a little when pressed, which means you might have to purchase them in advance and let them ripen close to some other fruit for a day or so before …

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Grilled Margarita Chicken

Grilled Margarita Chicken

The next best thing to drinking tequila is cooking with it. It wasn’t until I got to Texas I realised how many varieties of tequila there were, unlike the UK where we a limited to one brand that comes with a little red sombrero lid and I’m sure is just tequila flavour. This recipe for …

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