
Interestingly I was a fussy eater until I left home for university and had to cook for myself. Ever since then I was hooked. I love cooking (so much so that my wife doesn't get a chance to cook), experimenting with new techniques, finding out the origin of recipes and most of all looking for new and exotic tastes.

Most commented posts

  1. The secret to making Restaurant Style Curry at home — 79 comments
  2. English and American English Food Terms — 26 comments
  3. What? Madras is not an authentic Indian curry — 23 comments
  4. Whey Bread – A monstrous Ciabatta — 15 comments
  5. Cullen Skink – A fishy tale of Smoked Haddock Chowder — 12 comments

Author's posts

Simple Grilled Squid

Simple Grilled Squid

The closest that most people come to squid is calamari in a restaurant. Usually these are just rings, breaded and deep fried. I don’t have anything against squid in this way, as I quite often have it as a starter when ever I get the chance, but buying squid with all the wiggly bits and …

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How to make naan bread at home

Garlic and coriander naan bread

Naan bread is a type of flat bread from Persia and Indian that is a great accompaniment to curry. Indian restaurant naan bread is amazing, but that is partly due to the fact that most of them use a tandoor oven for cooking them which creates an amazing char, but still has a soft and perfectly cooked …

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How to make shredded chicken

Shredded chicken

Until I came to the US, I hadn’t really come across shredded chicken to my knowledge, but it seems to be in a lot of Tex-Mex food such as tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas, fajitas, taquitos, etc, as well as many other dishes such as soups, sandwiches, stews, etc. However, recently when planning Coronation Chicken vol-au-vents, I …

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A taste of the Raj – Kedgeree for breakfast


Kedgeree is a British breakfast dish consisting of smoked fish, boiled eggs and curried rice. Though it doesn’t initially sound like a British dish, smoked kippers have long been a part of British breakfasts and as I have mentioned before, curry is truly the national dish of the UK. During the time of the British Raj …

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Another Award for We are not foodies


  Today we recieved a Liebster Blog Award, from the “Eating Dinner With My Family” blog. Thank-you Kim for nominating us. This is our our second website award in so many weeks, the last being the Foodista Food Blog of the Day.