Making Homemade Sausage

Homemade Sausage: Kitchen Aid Sausage Attachment

Meat Grinder Attachment from Kitchen Aid

Many of us own a Kitchen Aid Mixer that stands nice and pretty on our kitchen counter that is literally too heavy and big to move in and out of a kitchen cabinet the handful of times a year that it is to be used. Likewise, most of us own a Kitchen Aid attachment pack …

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Sausage Making Marathon

5lbs of chorizo sausage

Stuart and I just finished making six different types of sausage today; Uncle Nick Stabile’s Italian Cheese & Pork, Sweet Italian, Hot Italian, British Bangers, American Breakfast and Spanish Style Chorizo. Last night I ground 22.5 pounds of Pork Loin, Shoulder and Fat Trimmings (~70 % Lean). This morning Stuart and I seasoned the ground …

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