Essential Kitchen Requirements

MacGyver’s Fat Separator, Simple Way to Make Homemade Gravy

Whether it is for turkey on Thanksgiving or Christmas, a roasted chicken or a crock pot beef roast for Sunday dinner there is nothing better than homemade gravy made from the giblets, drippings or the au jus. The problem is that many of us do not own a fat separator and if we do, because …

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Easy Italian Marinara Sauce: Today, Tomorrow, Next Week or Whenever

Perfectly Portioned Bags of Marinara Sauce

Recently while looking rooting around the freezer for additional ingredients to add to leftover frozen Red Clam Sauce, I realized that I was making life difficult for myself by not preparing a large batch of Italian Marinara Sauce and then freezing the sauce into portioned amounts for use at a later date. Just as important …

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Inspiration from Frozen Leftovers…Seafood Pasta

Red Seafood (Clams and Shrimp) Sauce with Spaghetti

For better or worse, when there are leftovers from a meal that was eaten and if not eaten in the next day or two, they are bagged or place in containers and frozen for later use. In the past I was terrible at marking the contents of the bags but in the past few months …

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Whey Bread – A monstrous Ciabatta

Whey Ciabatta

After making mozzarella last weekend, I ended up with nearly as much whey as the amount of milk I started with. I didn’t feel I could just through this delicious, slightly fluorescent green coloured liquid away. After a bit of research on some cheese making blogs, I found some people where using whey as a substitute …

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Eating her curds and whey – What is Whey?

Whey after cheese making

We all know the nursery rhyme about Little Miss Muffet eating her curds and whey, but in today’s world, I wonder how many people even know what they are. Curds are the easy part, in that they are the solids when you make cheese. The whey is just the liquid that is left over and …

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