
Interestingly I was a fussy eater until I left home for university and had to cook for myself. Ever since then I was hooked. I love cooking (so much so that my wife doesn't get a chance to cook), experimenting with new techniques, finding out the origin of recipes and most of all looking for new and exotic tastes.

Most commented posts

  1. The secret to making Restaurant Style Curry at home — 79 comments
  2. English and American English Food Terms — 26 comments
  3. What? Madras is not an authentic Indian curry — 23 comments
  4. Whey Bread – A monstrous Ciabatta — 15 comments
  5. Cullen Skink – A fishy tale of Smoked Haddock Chowder — 12 comments

Author's posts

Oh la la Brioche


Brioche is a strange bread. It is somewhere between a cake, pastry and bread. In France it is often eaten for breakfast with just butter and/or jam, but it is also very good lightly toasted with butter as afternoon tea, as a basis for desserts, savoury dishes such as Cervelas Lyonnais en Brioche or coulibiac, …

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Faux Gras – Silky Smooth Chicken Liver Pate

Chicken Liver Pate in Ramekins

Chicken Liver Pâté is one of those things that can divide a group of people, and most of the people in the euurgh! camp, probably haven’t even tasted it. They are just put off by the idea of chicken livers. Since this chicken liver is silky smooth, I’m sure that everyone would it if you …

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Spaghetti grows on trees

Spaghetti squash with sun-dried tomato dressing

On April the 1st 1957, the BBC broadcast a 3 minute segment on the bumper spaghetti harvest in Southern Switzerland. As you will have noted from the date, it was an April Fool’s Hoax and it has been recognised as the largest and most successful hoax ever carried out on television. So much so, that …

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Making semolina pasta at home

Fresh homemade semolina pasta served with olive oil, black pepper and grated Parmesan

At the risk of sounding like a ‘foodie’, homemade egg pasta is my food heaven. Though you can easily buy fresh pasta nowadays in most supermarkets, the satisfaction you get from working the pasta dough, rolling it, cooking it and finally eating it with a simple dressing is far greater than buying fresh pasta and …

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It’s Pumpkin Time – Stuffed Mini Pumpkins

Sweet Dumpling Mini Pumpkins

At this time of year, throughout the US, there are pumpkins for sale everywhere. Outside supermarkets, at stalls at the side of the road, outside garden centres and on the lawns outside churches. They come in all shapes and sizes from the very small, to the one weighing well over 50lbs, and they are all …

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