
Interestingly I was a fussy eater until I left home for university and had to cook for myself. Ever since then I was hooked. I love cooking (so much so that my wife doesn't get a chance to cook), experimenting with new techniques, finding out the origin of recipes and most of all looking for new and exotic tastes.

Most commented posts

  1. The secret to making Restaurant Style Curry at home — 79 comments
  2. English and American English Food Terms — 26 comments
  3. What? Madras is not an authentic Indian curry — 23 comments
  4. Whey Bread – A monstrous Ciabatta — 15 comments
  5. Cullen Skink – A fishy tale of Smoked Haddock Chowder — 12 comments

Author's posts

Curry – A truly British Dish

British Indian Restaurant Curry

There are many dishes from many cuisines that nowadays are called curry, but the word ‘curry‘ is derived from the Tamil word ‘kari’, meaning a spiced dish of sautéed vegetables and meat. Members of the British East India company who traded with Tamil merchants came to enjoy their particular blend of spices called ‘kari pod’, …

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Winning Barbecued Pork Ribs – Low and slow

Low and slow barbeque pork ribs

Coming from the UK my only experience of barbeques is that when you mention the word it rains, and everything has to be burnt to a cinder. We don’t really had the weather to develop a BBQ culture, but every summer we persevere and things are getting better. However coming to the US, has opened …

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Rich Soda Bread

Soda bread and home-made butter

After making butter the other day with left over cream, I ended up with some buttermilk as part of the process. Being frugal, I had to come up with something to do with it, instead of throwing it out. The first thing that came to mind was soda bread. Growing up in Scotland, we had …

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How to make homemade butter in a jar

Step 4 - Enjoy spread on bread

I was going through the fridge and noticed that we had part of a carton of heavy cream that wasn’t going to be used any-time soon, and rather than just throwing it out, I wondered if there was something I could do with it other than using it for desserts. In the back of my …

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Houston’s Best Burgers

Bubba's Buffalo Burger

The Houston culture website 29-95, has a poll at the moment to find out what is the best burger in Houston. Coming from a country where the only burgers are McDonalds and frozen pub burgers, I was amazed at the choice and quality of burger joints in Houston. I have to say my all time …

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Don’t Go!
Just Yet

Thanks for visiting. We know you love sausages, but before you go, take a look at some other sausage recipes.