
Mexican Roadside Chicken

Mexican Roadside Chicken

I was watching a show called ‘Quest for Fire’ by Rick Bayless and he talked about Roadside Chicken in Mexico, which is basically a spatchcock (butterfly) chicken cooked over coals. The flavour comes from the spice rub, which I used first as a marinade before cooking unlike the method on the TV Show. I also …

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Interesting film on Pork Butchery

Side Butchery

Here is a great short film on the butchery of a side of pig. In the modern world we have forgotten where our food comes from and even where particular cuts of meat come from. This is great to watch how a whole side of pig is transformed into cuts of meat that we might …

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Chicken Ballotine number 2

Black Pudding Stuffed Capon

After the first attempt at preparing a de-boned chicken, I tried again with a 6lb Capon that I had in the freezer from after Christmas. I also had some left over ‘Black Pudding‘ (actually it was kiszka), from our Burn’s Supper at the weekend, that I used to make the stuffing. I was confident from …

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Homemade British Bangers

Banger Sausage Recipe

To paraphrase, ‘Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made’. However when making sausages yourself you have greater control over the ingredients. My friend Bill got a KitchenAid sausage making attachment for Christmas and he has been churning out some fantastic delicacies for the last couple of weeks. We talked …

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Deboned Stuffed Chicken

Deboned Stuffed Chicken

The French culinary term for a deboned stuffed chicken is a Galantine or a Ballotine, with a Galantine usually served cold, but both can be with any type of meat, not just chicken. Being a French dish preperation it is no surprise that it is popular in the South of the USA with the Cajuns. …

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