I live in a lovely area of New Jersey that is absolutely nothing like Newark or The Jersey Shore. We have horse farms, alpaca farms, bee farms & even an ostrich farm. We have everything from full-fledged fruit & vegetable farms: with huge produce stands, to little tables & honor-boxes at the end of …
The Kitchen Sink
Apr 27
Holy Galloping Scallops Batman
The word ‘scallop’ comes from the old French word ‘escalope’, meaning ‘shell’ and scallops are the worlds only only migratory bivalve. They are able to swim by ejecting water by clamping their shell using their adductor muscle (the part we eat). In the US, Sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) or the UK, King scallops (Pecten maximus) are …
Apr 22
Baking bread the easy way
‘Bread is the staff of life’. Most of us take bread so much for granted that we wouldn’t know what to do if it no longer available. This is pretty much what happened to me, when I came to America. Sure, there is plenty of bread available in the shops, but it wasn’t what I …
Apr 20
Did you know that there is a hierarchy of gastronomy?
From Schott’s Food and Drink Miscellany by Ben Schott In order of decreasing refinement, the hierarchy of gastronomy is as follows Gastronome Gourmet – A connoisseur of food & drink Epicure – A Friand (cultured, having good taste) Gourmand – One who enjoys eating Goulu – Glutton Goinfre – A Greedy-guts I’m sure that the term …