Vegetables and Salads

Borscht – Beetroot Soup


Coming to the end of the summer means that root vegetables start to become more abundant in the shops, including one of my favourites, beetroot (or just beets). During the summer I do like to just harvest young beetroot shoots for adding to pasta, but now that the beets are older the shoots aren’t as …

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The Crunchy Sweet Potato Fries Experiment

Crunchy Sweet Potato Fries

Though sweet potatoes aren’t any better for your waistline than normal white potatoes, they do have a different taste and can help make a difference to a boring meal. One problem when substituting normal potatoes with sweet potatoes when you make fries with them is that they don’t get crispy or crunchy, they just end …

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Simple Stir Fried Broccoli, Easy as 1-2-3

Broccoli and Oyster Sauce Being Stir Fried

If there is one thing that I have learned over the past few years is the simplicity is not to be overlooked when preparing a meal. There is something about the flavors and texture of quick stir fried broccoli with oyster sauce in a wok that has made it one of my most favorite ways …

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Easy Toaster Oven Roasted Red Peppers

Roasted Red Bell Peppers After Being In The Ziploc Bag

Store bought roasted red bell peppers are not cheap. For that matter, fresh red bell peppers are a bit pricey. However to roast red bell peppers at home is much cheaper that than to purchase a jar of roasted red peppers at the grocery store. All you need to roast your own red peppers at …

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Low Carb Hatch Chile Pepper Lasagne

Hatch Chile Lasagne

My wife has decided that she is going to take part in a weight loss challenge at work,  so therefore I am having to come up with tasty dishes that meet her requirement of no carbs after 5pm. I never have a problem coming up with new dishes to try, apart from when there is …

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