
A North East Scotland Delicacy – Rowies or Butteries

Rowies with Jam

Rowies, Butteries, or Aberdeen rolls are savoury bread rolls, similar to a flattened croissant, but far superior, though maybe ‘slightly’ more unhealthy. There is no real record of their history, but one thought is because of their high-fat content they would have been suitable for fisherman to take on longer journeys at sea, but even …

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Mac ‘n cheese is not a chemistry experiment.

Not Mac & Cheese

One of the most comforting foods of all time, at least to my immediate family, has been reduced to a pre-packaged powder.  A DIY science experiment where you boil “A”, then mix with “B” & “C” to create something that really doesn’t resemble what the box says it is.  It reminds me of a chemistry …

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Decadent Duet: Portabella Mushroom & Broiled Blue Cheese

Baked Portabello Mushroom Stuffed with Broiled Blue Cheese #1

I was never a fan of Portabella Mushrooms. Not because I do not enjoy the complexity and earthy flavor that different mushrooms provide to a dish. More because Portabella Mushrooms had become too popular and for some inexplicable reason each time I ate one, someone had marinated it in balsamic vinegar for far too long. …

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Mini Toad in the Hole

Mini Toad in the Hole

Toad in the hole is a British dish, which though the name implies does not contain Toads. Instead it is a dish consisting of Yorkshire Pudding batter cooked with sausages. How the dish got its name is not know, but the ‘toad’ is most likely the sausage, but there are records of other meats being …

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Grilled Tomatillo Salsa

Grilled Tomatillo Salsa

Tomatillos are related to the cape gooseberry and also part of the nightshade family, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, chilis,etc. They have a slight citrus flavour and are quite tart, but this can be changed by roasting them, as in this recipe. 0.5 pounds of tomatillos 1 jalapeno 2 cloves of garlic bunch of fresh coriander …

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