Soup, Sauce & Gravy

Crockery Gourmet Chicken

cc image courtesy of LynMcMeen on

I love my crock pot but I will be honest, if I am pulling it out; I want dinner to be super easy. I do not want to cut fresh herbs. I do not want to dirty 5 measuring cups. I do not want to do anything other than throw it all in and walk …

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Houston Hot Sauce Festival

On the corner of Pleasure St and Pain Ave

Let’s start by saying, I love chiles. Other chileheads will know that it is an addiction. You become addicted, not to the heat, but the endorphins that course through your body and cause the chile high. For those of you not addicted to chiles, you think that too much heat spoils your food, but all …

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Spicy Seafood Ratatooie with Rotini, Because I Cannot Pronounce Ratatouille

Spicy Seafood Ratatouille with Rotini Pasta

I will be honest, if I had never seen the advertisements for the animated movie Ratatouille, I would have probably have never known this word yet alone what was included in this French dish. That is not to say that I looked at any recipes prior to making this meal. Ratatouille is a southern French …

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A Spicy Hatch Chile Pepper Relish

Hot Hatch Chile Pepper Relish

Relishes and chutneys seem to be all but forgotten in the modern kitchen. With the abundance of fruit and vegetables available all year round, there really isn’t the same need to preserve the harvest as it was in previous generations. This year because because of writing the blog, I have been more aware of what …

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Pasta Fazool….”That’s Amore”

Homemade Pasta Fazool in a Soup Bowl

Call it what you will; Pasta Fazool, Pasta Fazoola, Pasta e Fagiolo, Pasta Fagioli, but the Italian soup immortalized in the Dean Martin song “That’s Amore” with the lyrics “When the stars makes you drool, just-a like pasta fazool, that’s amore” is a simple to make and an extremely flavorful Italian peasant soup of pasta …

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