
Coronation chicken vol-au-vents

Coronation chicken vol-au-vents

Vol-au-vents are little puff pastry cases invented in Paris around 1800 by Antonin Carême, known as the the ‘King of Chefs, and the Chef of Kings’. The name literally means ‘blown by the wind’. They have been popular in the UK as canapés and are fairly easy to get a hold of in most supermarkets, …

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Making chicken stock is a great investment

Chicken stock ready for the freezer

Making your own chicken stock chicken stock offers a better return than an investment in the stock market. Well maybe not, but since the main ingredient, chicken bones, would normally go to waste it is practically free and compared to store bought chicken stocks it is a huge saving. The only real cost of making …

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Easy Baked Chicken Kiev

Baked Chicken Kiev

Though this dish sounds like it should come from the Ukraine, Kiev being the capital, it isn’t. It is most likely developed from a similar French dish called ‘Cotelettes de Volaille’, which literally translates as cutlets of poultry.  French cooking was very popular in Russia in the late 18th century and it was probably during …

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Chicken Scappy

Chicken Scappy

One of our favorite dishes is chicken scarpiello from Carmines (NYC).  I love taking a really good restaurant dish & making it at home.  This is the recipe from carmines,  as provided by  Good Morning America.  I personally prefer my “Scappy” to have thyme instead of oregano.  This is also much less saltier than the Carmines version, …

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Peking Duck (Crispy Aromatic Duck)

Peeking Duck

A couple decide to celebrate their anniversary at their local Chinese restaurant. After looking at the menu, they finally decide to share the Chef’s Special Chicken Surprise. The waiter brings them their dish served in a large cast-iron pot. Just as the wife is about to start, the lid of the pot rises a little …

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Don’t Go!
Just Yet

Thanks for visiting. We know you love bread, but before you go, take a look at some other bread recipes.