
Interestingly I was a fussy eater until I left home for university and had to cook for myself. Ever since then I was hooked. I love cooking (so much so that my wife doesn't get a chance to cook), experimenting with new techniques, finding out the origin of recipes and most of all looking for new and exotic tastes.

Most commented posts

  1. The secret to making Restaurant Style Curry at home — 79 comments
  2. English and American English Food Terms — 26 comments
  3. What? Madras is not an authentic Indian curry — 23 comments
  4. Whey Bread – A monstrous Ciabatta — 15 comments
  5. Cullen Skink – A fishy tale of Smoked Haddock Chowder — 12 comments

Author's posts

As British as Fish and Chips

Fish and Chips

If you ever get the chance to visit the UK (or Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) you’ll likely come across, or have heard of, and want to try ‘Fish and Chips‘. Though ‘Fish and Chips’ is well known as a British dish, it is a relatively recent addition to British cuisine, …

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Sam’s Burgers, Fries & Pies

Sam's Buffalo Burger and Fries

Houston has a plethora of great burger joints, and I’m not talking about chains. From ‘hole in the walls’ to ‘Mom and Pop’ family run businesses there are far too many to be able to try. The good thing is, that there is vibrant ‘burger culture’, and the good ones do tend to float to …

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We have been chosen as Foodista’s Food Blog of the Day


We had a surprise email this morning from Foodista. We have been chosen as Foodista’s Food Blog of the Day. How exciting is that? Bill’s Slow Cooked Barbequed Pork Ribs were chosen to represent us and feature on their front page. Big thanks to Alisa from Foodista on letting us know this great news!

Smoke me a Kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast

Smoked mackerel and tilapia

Okay I’m haven’t been smoking herring to make kippers, but it is a line from the TV show Red Dwarf. Anyway I have been smoking fish for a couple of dishes I will be making later. The other week I took apart the grill and smoker attachment and gave them a good clean for the …

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Stuffed Jalapenos Poppers

Jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese

I first tried stuffed jalapeños poppers when I worked for an American company back in Scotland and I have missed them since. Apart from pickled, sliced jalapeños in jars, jalapeños aren’t that easy to find in bulk in Britain. I was amazed that you could get a pound of fresh jalapeños for about $1 in …

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