Sometimes you haven’t planned dinner in advance or you may have some ingredients in the fridge but you don’t know what to make. It’s hard to come up with inspiration. I find it easier to look at photos of food rather than looking at recipes. If I see something I like the look of, then that’s half the battle solved.
One trick I use, is to type in a couple of ingredients into Google Image Search and then just scroll through the photos until I see something I like, and then click through to the recipe. For example, say I had some chicken and fresh ginger. I would type into Google Images chicken ginger recipe and Here is how this page would look
Especially with old recipe books, without photos, you need a little help to know what it is you are cooking, or at least how it is supposed to look when you are finished. Say I had a recipe for Chicken Kiev that sounded interesting, but I had never seen or eaten it before. I would go-to Google Image Search, type in Chicken Kiev and browse through looking for the best one and click on it if I needed the recipe or technique.
Another great place to find recipes using photos is Pinterest. Just type your search query as before and here is how this page would look for chicken ginger recipe
Something else to try is My Fridge Food. Just select what you already have in your fridge and it will suggest recipes for you.
What tips do you have for finding inspiration for cooking dinner?