Bread and Baking

Bread, Baking

Classic Ciabatta Bread Recipe – Not as classic as you may think

Ciabatta with olive oil

Ciabatta literally means slipper translated from Italian, and though the shape of the bread vaguely resembles a slipper, it must belong to a clown. The loaf itself is elongated, broad, flat and irregularly shaped, usually with large air bubbles, a crisp crust and a soft, chewy texture. It is excellent for making into sandwiches, if …

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Sandwich Ideas – What is a sandwich anyway?

Sandwich Ideas

Before we get down to some good sandwich ideas, what is a sandwich anyway? In English, the verb sandwich, means something between two other things. The noun sandwich, usually means a two slices of bread with a filling, however there are open sandwiches where the filling is not sandwiched between bread, but laid on top …

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Smørrebrød – Danish Open Sandwiches

Creamed Herring Smorrebrod

Smørrebrød is literately Danish for butter and bread (smør og brød), but has come to mean Danish open-faced sandwiches. If you have ever been to Copenhagen, you will have surely seen shop windows displaying meticulously arranged open sandwiches which are an important part of Danish life. The basis for Smørrebrød is rugbrød, a dark rye …

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A buttery delight – Homemade Rowies

Rowie with butter and jam

After writing about rowies the other week, I thought I should attempt to make them since it’s been a couple of years since I’ve had one. I first made the basic bread dough from the flour, sugar, salt and yeast and then after kneading, I left it for an hour or so to double in …

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Rugbrød – Danish Sourdough Rye Bread

Rugbrød with butter

Following on from the Ikea Brödmix Flerkorn post, I was inspired to create my own version of rugbrød (Danish rye bread). Since this is a naturally risen bread, I had to first create a sourdough starter since I had let my last one die a while ago. Bad owner. As well as a sourdough starter …

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