
Interestingly I was a fussy eater until I left home for university and had to cook for myself. Ever since then I was hooked. I love cooking (so much so that my wife doesn't get a chance to cook), experimenting with new techniques, finding out the origin of recipes and most of all looking for new and exotic tastes.

Most commented posts

  1. The secret to making Restaurant Style Curry at home — 79 comments
  2. English and American English Food Terms — 26 comments
  3. What? Madras is not an authentic Indian curry — 23 comments
  4. Whey Bread – A monstrous Ciabatta — 15 comments
  5. Cullen Skink – A fishy tale of Smoked Haddock Chowder — 12 comments

Author's posts

Crostini topping ideas

Fresh Mozzarella, tomato and basil crostini

In some ways, Italy’s Crostini is similar to Denmark’s Smørrebrød in that they are both open sandwiches. Though smørrebrød tends to be eaten as lunch, crostini tend to be appetizers or antipasti. Crostini are small pieces of toasted bread, usually Italian or French, topped with a variety of meats, cheeses, vegetables or even just herbs or olive …

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Whey Bread – A monstrous Ciabatta

Whey Ciabatta

After making mozzarella last weekend, I ended up with nearly as much whey as the amount of milk I started with. I didn’t feel I could just through this delicious, slightly fluorescent green coloured liquid away. After a bit of research on some cheese making blogs, I found some people where using whey as a substitute …

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Eating her curds and whey – What is Whey?

Whey after cheese making

We all know the nursery rhyme about Little Miss Muffet eating her curds and whey, but in today’s world, I wonder how many people even know what they are. Curds are the easy part, in that they are the solids when you make cheese. The whey is just the liquid that is left over and …

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Insalata Caprese – Simple tomato, mozzarella and basil salad

Insalata Caprese

Insalata Caprese or just caprese, is one of those dishes that most people will have eaten and enjoyed, but not really known what it was, other than tomato, mozzarella and basil salad. The salad originates from the island of Capri, to the South of the Gulf of Naples, in the Campania region of Italy, where …

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Step by step photo guide to make fresh homemade mozzarella

Step by step guide to making mozzarella

Homemade mozzarella is not as complicated as it first seems, and of all the types of homemade cheese it is certainly one of the easiest to make, and with this simple step by step tutorial, you should be able to become a cheese maker in no time. First you will need to gather your cheese …

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