My Momma could cook....sometimes too good for her own good. She's taken the cooking classes, she knows what a roux is and even how to make one. I mean she could cook the "normal stuff" so good your tounge would jump out of your mouth and give you a high five ....but she would also cook stuff like peanut soup and french cut green beans with baby pearl onions.....that is not what kid wants to see on his plate. Gross. I do not have the training she does, but hey most people can't cook as good as their own mother can. All of that said I have been around good food my whole life. My preference is for southern table fare. I like keeping the traditions of my ancestry alive with things like homemade cornbread and buscuits (no box or whop stuff please). I love bacon in my green beans and think boiling is a perfectly acceptable method to cook a variety of vegitables. I love BBQ and respect its orgin of lesser cuts of meat cooked slow to make them more tender and tasty. I love hunting and fishing and enjoying the spoils of a successful day afield. I am aware that the "sweet tea line" is jagged and well below the mason dixon line. I enjoy good food what ever type it is and althougth I have not tried peanut soup since my childhood, if I found a place that served it I think I would try it again.
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